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Countdown ....

This year is our LAST at High School ..We have been waiting this moment since we were the youngest at this...we always saw the oldest boys and girls like our models to follow when we grow up .. but now We are those that we wanted to be..We are those that are going to have the best trip in their life ( bariloche ).. We are those that are going to be so closed that nobody is going to lay down our plans for life!

Let's make it real!

Let's make THIS year the best of our life!

Go ahead Class 2008!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Post to my friend in EUROPE

MOcha!! heyyy!! I need some Information about you and your sister ! who are you Out there in Europe!! Can you enter the web and write some words!!?? jaja....Come quikly friend I need somebody to sign and someone to play the guitar while is singing with me!.. =)

Tell you something? last SATURDAY night while I was listening " Sapo Cancionero" I remeber those long nights in Tafi singing and playing folklore jajaja .. noboby wanted to listen nevertheless we contined singing and enjoying those nights watching the stars and the dark landscape.

well friend, see you on february to go up there and enjoy just like these winter holidays.
bye bye

luck! and kissesss!!


1 comment:

Mocha Valderrábano said...

ehhhh!!! una foto mia !!! no me gusta salir con la guitarra no se porque... pero bueno... gracias = por la foto y el posteo! esta complicado escribir con el teclado frances (ya te dije porque) asi que la hago corta! te quiero mucho y nos vemosss para volver a tafi a pasarla = de bien que en el invierno 2007!!! besooooss xoxox