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Countdown ....

This year is our LAST at High School ..We have been waiting this moment since we were the youngest at this...we always saw the oldest boys and girls like our models to follow when we grow up .. but now We are those that we wanted to be..We are those that are going to have the best trip in their life ( bariloche ).. We are those that are going to be so closed that nobody is going to lay down our plans for life!

Let's make it real!

Let's make THIS year the best of our life!

Go ahead Class 2008!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

MarrY ChrisTmaS!

I w i s h y o u a M a r r y C h r i s t m a s ! !

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Post to my friend in EUROPE

MOcha!! heyyy!! I need some Information about you and your sister ! who are you Out there in Europe!! Can you enter the web and write some words!!?? jaja....Come quikly friend I need somebody to sign and someone to play the guitar while is singing with me!.. =)

Tell you something? last SATURDAY night while I was listening " Sapo Cancionero" I remeber those long nights in Tafi singing and playing folklore jajaja .. noboby wanted to listen nevertheless we contined singing and enjoying those nights watching the stars and the dark landscape.

well friend, see you on february to go up there and enjoy just like these winter holidays.
bye bye

luck! and kissesss!!


Friday, December 14, 2007

Trust me . it's true ..

Monday, December 03, 2007


"Life has taught us that

LOVE does not consist in gazing

at each other but in looking

outward together in the same direction."


Sunday, December 02, 2007

Well the school year is over and I wanted you all to know it was a pleasure for me to have you all as my students. For me it was a fantastic experience, an amazing ride. We did have our ups and downs, but it was wonderful all the way through. You are all in my heart, you are my true heroes, remember that. The other day I saw "Meet the Robinsons" with my kids and I thought of you. We madea world of difference with all the new things we did. It was a great challenge for both you and me but anyway we gave it a try. We dared to move forward!!!!. I wanted to share the video clip with you all. The little boy in the story dared to be different and try new things and in the end the whole world`s future depended on him.

So this is my message for you, my heroes,:"Keep moving forward! " and remember that "Sometimes you are ahead and sometimes you are behind, but stand up and keep on moving forward, never, ever, give up!!!!!

I love you all with all my heart. I hope you have a merry Christmas full of love and peace.
Hope to hear from you soon. See you!!!!
Miss Alina